
What path led you to wealth management?

I started out as a teacher of history and theology after I graduated college but was looking for a career change. A few of my friends introduced me to the financial world, for which I realized my skills were well-suited. I was excited to try something new and quickly found myself drawn to the realm of wealth management.


Why did you join TFO Wealth Partners?

One of the biggest reasons I joined TFO was the allure of its culture. I could tell that TFO hires quality people to invest in a fun, healthy work environment. I also admire that TFO strives to uphold values that seem simple but make all the difference in the world – values, such as “Do what you say you’re going to do” and “Be a fun, selfless teammate.” Most importantly, I joined TFO because I want to support the company’s mission of helping families be families. Family means the world to me, and I count it a blessing that every day I can help those who feel the same.


What most excites you about your work?

One of the biggest reasons I joined TFO was the allure of its culture. I could tell that TFO hires quality people to invest in a fun, healthy work environment. I also admire that TFO strives to uphold values that seem simple but make all the difference in the world – values, such as “Do what you say you’re going to do” and “Be a fun, selfless teammate.” Most importantly, I joined TFO because I want to support the company’s mission of helping families be families. Family means the world to me, and I count it a blessing that every day I can help those who feel the same.


What has been your most rewarding career experience?

In April of 2020, it was highly rewarding for me to travel with a few advisers to Florida to serve as a Spanish translator for new clients. I was involved in a meeting which involved the Wealth For exercise. Not only was I able to help facilitate communication, but I was able to see firsthand how TFO works with client families to bring what matters most to them into their financial planning.


What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?

I am proud that I have voted in every election I was eligible for since I turned 18, and for taking on various other life challenges for myself. I also see it as an achievement to have visited 10 National Parks across the country in my lifetime thus far, and I have plans to visit them all.


What are some of your life's biggest influences?

My parents are tremendous influences in my life. I have seen how they brought up six children with love and support, and how they have raised each of us to value faith, family, stewardship, and service. I take pride in the work I do, knowing my parents have sacrificed so much for me to have the life I do. They have given me confidence to be myself, to speak up for what is true and right, and to be a force of good wherever I am planted.


University of Toledo
B.A. History, Spanish

Hobbies and Interests

  • Hockey
  • Rollerblading
  • Biking
  • Painting
  • Baking
  • Cooking
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