
What path led you to wealth management?

I was drawn to wealth management because of the universal nature of the importance of financial health. While we are all on our own journeys to build wealth and find our purpose behind it, we all need someone to help guide us through that.


Why did you join TFO Wealth Partners?

Finding someone you trust is such an important factor to help guide your family through their wealth management journey. I joined TFO because I would trust everyone in our company with my own family’s wealth, and I wanted to surround myself with great people.


What most excites you about your work?

I enjoy how involved we are with the client families we work with, and the relationships that are built. Our work is a lot more than just investment advisory and it is different depending on each family’s needs. The variability of this, combined with being able to help others, excites me about my work.


What has been your most rewarding career experience?

I find reward in being able to look back at the accumulation of the efforts of all of those on the team, ranging from little to big moments, where we are all working towards the common goal of helping families.


What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of establishing a career for myself. As my life evolves, I look forward to maintaining and setting different goals and accomplishments for myself.


What are some of your life's biggest influences?

My parents have led a great example for me. My grandparents are also large influences and I’m thankful for the time I was able to have with them.


Hillsdale College
B.S. Accounting

Hobbies and Interests

  • Quality time with family
  • Cooking
  • Time outdoors
  • Trying new things


Series 65


Learn more about Megan’s story and her journey within our firm.

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