
What path led you to wealth management?

Starting in high school, I developed an interest in economics and finance which led me to major in Economics in college along with obtaining a high school teaching license. After one year of teaching, I realized that although I enjoyed the students, my opportunities would be greater in the non-public school sector. My role in this Wealth Management firm has allowed me to continue to “educate” others, whether clients, colleagues or team members while continuing to learn myself.


Why did you join TFO Wealth Partners?

I joined TFO in 1989 when I moved to Toledo from the Minneapolis area. At that point, the firm was significantly smaller and had yet to start the wealth management division. Honestly, I joined TFO because I needed a job. I stayed because it offered me the opportunity to help others, grow as a professional and balance my work and family lives. Starting and staying at TFO has been one of the most influential decisions I have made in my life.


What most excites you about your work?

Knowing that work done by our team makes a difference to our clients’ families. Every day, we are simplifying financial transactions, getting people closer to their goals, or helping people enjoy the money they earned and invested whether by spending or charitable giving. I also enjoy watching our younger colleagues grow in their careers along with the change and challenge required in a growing company.


What has been your most rewarding career experience?

As a long tenured associate, I am fortunate to see the plans we started for clients years ago play out over time. I have seen clients experience the loss of a loved one and our help in their struggle to settle affairs and move past their grief. I have seen clients sell their businesses and move to the next chapter of their lives. The ability to help in these scenarios keeps me focused on the importance of what we do. In addition, I enjoy watching the newer, younger team members grow and learn. The future of TFO is secure with the value of the next generation.


What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?

Marrying, having, and raising 2 great kids, becoming a mother-in-law and a grandmother all while with TFO. Even as a full-time working parent, I have always put my family first. With that decision came professional challenges, but it was absolutely worth the struggle. I hope I have been an example, not only for my family but for others who will follow a similar path.


What are some of your life's biggest influences?

In business, John and Evelyn Delp. They started the beginning of what became the TFO family of firms in 1958 and lead the company through the early years. What we have done since is only built on their foundation. Personally, the two largest influences in my life have been my family and my faith. My parents and my extended family showed me the value of hard work and pride in independence. They also taught me the joy in family and the work required in good family relationships. My best childhood memories are big family gatherings at my grandparents’ homestead. My Catholic faith provides the foundation of my values which translate into my actions. I am grateful to our God for the abundance and opportunity he has shown me. My goal is to live a life that honors him by serving others.


Carleton College
B.A. Economics, Certificate in Secondary Education

Hobbies and Interests

  • Spending time with family and friends
  • Enjoying our lakehouse
  • Travel


Forbes Best in State Advisers List – 2023


Learn more about Adele’s story and her journey within our firm.

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