
What path led you to wealth management?

My father had been in the investment business nearly all of my childhood. I had tremendous exposure to how he was able to help families, and knew, over time, that I wanted to be in the position to do the same. His work never seemed like traditional 9-5 “work” but more of who he is, all the time. That, and the enormous responsibility we have to our clients as wealth managers not only attracted me initially, but continues to be my driving force.


Why did you join TFO Wealth Partners?

That’s easy! – The perfect marriage of a few things: One, our “Why” – Helping families connect wealth and purpose; Two, outstanding people and culture; Three, an investment discipline that makes sense, hasn’t changed, and does not rely on my ability to guess right.


What most excites you about your work?

We are in a time where there are nearly 10,000 baby boomers turning age 65 and retiring per day for the next 19 years and technology has improved to assist our expertise in helping our clients consolidate their understanding of their financial picture. The opportunity to help a significant number of families in a really big way is right in front of us and as a firm we are very well positioned to be a part of that.


What has been your most rewarding career experience?

It has been the relationships and friendships with clients that I have developed through the diligence of having their interest ahead of all else.


What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?

My family, without a doubt. I have been married to my best friend, Alison, for the last fifteen years and God has blessed us with 4 awesome boys.


What are some of your life's biggest influences?

While I have been extremely blessed to be surrounded by a group of very successful business leaders, fathers, and friends, the greatest influence in shaping me personally and professionally has been my Dad. He has been an absolute rock for our family and leads through example in how he sets his priorities, how he treats people, and how he responds to curve balls in life.

Hobbies and Interests

  • Tennis
  • Water skiing
  • Snow skiing
  • Wakesurfing
  • Pickleball




CFP Board owns the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the U.S.


Learn more about Jim’s story and his journey within our firm.

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